This section is dedicated to my concept work for my own personal picturebook ideas, as I have not yet worked on any published work. If you are a publisher curious to know more about ‘Frog & the Flood’ or ‘The Cat Crew’. Please contact me and I can provide a plot summary and dummies of these.

Concept - 'The Cat Crew' sailing the seas in search of Mice
Frog & the Flood - Frog Lost after the flood

Concept - Tír na nÓg

Concept - Gardening Woes
Concept Sketch - Warren

Concept - Missed Connections

Concept - Many lives in one building

Concept - A leafy feast

Concept - Is it ready yet?

Concept - Ships, later inspired the Cat Crew

Frog & the Flood - Concept, Frog as a wizard

Frog & the Flood - Concept, Frog Napping
Sketch - Lantern
Concept Sketch - Stuffed!

Frog & the Flood - Concept, Frog in winter visiting his friends

Frog & the Flood - Concept, Frog napping on a lillypad

Frog & The Flood - Concept, Frog's seasonal outfits